Ticket 1 redeemed!
By clicking “Register” you accept the Termos de Utilização e Política de privacidade. I authorize APG to use my personal data for the purpose of registering for the event.
I authorize the recording of images, as well as the photo reportage during the event, for exclusive use in initiatives promoting and publicizing the event in future occasions.
I also authorize to be contacted by APG and/or Partner and Sponsor Entities, by email, solely for the exclusive purpose of promoting and publicizing future events and promotional actions related to related services.
Ticket 2 redeemed!
By clicking “Register” you accept the Termos de Utilização e Política de privacidade. I authorize APG to use my personal data for the purpose of registering for the event.
I authorize the recording of images, as well as the photo reportage during the event, for exclusive use in initiatives promoting and publicizing the event in future occasions.
I also authorize to be contacted by APG and/or Partner and Sponsor Entities, by email, solely for the exclusive purpose of promoting and publicizing future events and promotional actions related to related services.
Thank you for being part of IPC 2024 by APG.
See you on Nov 28th.
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